Mad Mamluks

I would like to thank The Mad Mamluks podcast for interviewing me about Conflicts of Fitness.  We also had a long follow-up discussion about their episode with Edward Dutton and his controversial book Islam: An Evolutionary Perspective, alternatively titled Why Islam Makes You Stupid- But Also Means You’ll Conquer The World.

New Book Review

Ikram Hawramani has reviewed Conflicts of Fitness on his excellent new blog.  I would encourage anyone interested to not only check out his website but his excellent new book, Sex and Purpose.


Book Review

I would like to thank Florent Boucharel for his in-depth and insightful review of Conflicts of Fitness.  Here is the link to the review…

First Post

Hello everybody!  I am very excited to begin this blog.  For all the people who have read the book, please send any comments, questions, or criticisms you may have.  Perhaps I can then use these comments as a starting point for future blog posts.

Over the next few months, I also plan to use the framework I set forth in the book to write about numerous topics of interest and current events, so please check back periodically as time permits.
